Friday, January 18, 2013

Temperament:The factors that make us unique

I'm sure we have all wondered what makes us different to everyone else, why we have specific physical traits and characteristics that others may not necessarily have, why we prefer certain weather conditions, foods and even the way we think, speak and interact with others. this is due to an inherent composition called your temperament. According to Unani Tibb Medicine there are 4 main temperaments based on the elements/qualities of heat, cold, dryness and moisture, which are all present in every living organism in the universe but in different quantities known as your temperament or qualitative constitution. The Four temperaments are Sanguinous, Bilious, Melancholic and Phlegmatic. The Sanguinous temperament is associated with the element of Air which has a Hot & Moist quality. The Bilious temperament is associated with the element of Fire which has a Hot & Dry quality. The Melancholic temperament is associated with the element of Earth which naturally has a Cold & Dry quality. The Phlegmatic temperament on the other hand is associated with Water which has a Cold and Moist quality.

Each element has certain characteristics which can be seen in the constitution of people and all living things.they can be associated with the following:

Earth Water Air Fire
Tendency Spreading Drooping To and from Rising
Bodily system Skeleton Muscles Circulation Liver
Excretion Faeces Urine Saliva Sweat, tears
Sense Touch Taste Hearing Smell
Bodily function Form Nutrition Respiration Digestion, voluntary bodily movements
Mentality Torpid Phlegmatic Cheerful Emotional
Mental state Obstinancy, fearfulness Submission, affection Humor Weeping, anger

To determine one's temperamental contitution it is important to note that you will have a dominant and sub-dominant temperament depending on the quantitative quality that is most dominant (e.g. heat, dryness, moisture or cold).  the following is a guideline to assess your temperament. note that you should tick one box for each question that best describes you. at the end of the questionnaire add your totals, the temperament with the highest score is your dominant and the one with the 2nd highest score is your sub-dominant temperament. note that there should be a common quality between the dominant and sub-dominant temperament e.g. Sanguinous dominant and phlegmatic subdominant has a dominance of moisture. Also, your temperament only fully develops in you 20's.

Temperamental Evaluation Form (Unani Tibb)


(Hot & Moist)

(Cold & Moist)

(Hot & Dry)

(Cold & Dry)

1. Physical features

Med to large frame with more muscle. Hourglass shape, short, robust, build. Face: heart shaped with widows peak for women & early hair recession from centre for men, small chin, deep set almond eyes, narrowing forehead, small lips
Hands: small hands, knuckles at base of fingers broad, fleshy palm, fingers short, thick, strong grasp. Veins are apparent.

Med to large frame, more fat. Rounded shape, small, youthful build. Face: rounded, large for body, rounded eyes & cheeks, small mouth.
Hands: small, delicate, rounded with rounded palm, small fingers, weak grasp. Veins are not apparent.

Med frame, lean. Squarish shape, large muscular build.
Face: squarish, straight brows, mouth straight, jaw is strong & square, eyes close to nose, wide forehead & straight hairline.
Hands: large, squarish, large palm solid fingers, firm grasp. Veins are Prominent.

Thin bony frame (short & tall). Oblong, oval shape, delicate, elongated build.
Face: oval/oblong, shallow set eyes, arched eyebrows, arched eyebrows, high forehead and full wide lips & recession at the temples in men.
Hands: narrow hands, long, tapered, slender fingers, gentle grasp. Veins are noticeable.

2. Gait
Macho stride

Slow pace

Firm stride

Quick, anxious pace

3. Speech
Clear, moderate to loud

Slow, soft

Sharp, talkative, loud

Fast, less vocal, soft

4. Skin texture
Moderate softness & moistness, warm

Cool, moist soft

Warm & dry

Dry, rough & cold

5. Personality traits
Introvert, Persuasive, sociable, outgoing, talkative.

Introvert, Calm accommodating, patient, good listener.

Extrovert, resourceful, outspoken, dominant, driver may be short tempered.

Extrovert, Thoughtful logical, analytical, tend to be perfectionists.

6. Emotional traits
Playful, cheerful, excitable, disorganized, tends to exaggerate.
Anger: slow to anger, quick to forgive
Joy: likes a party, invites people to share the joy, likes singing, dancing, music, surprises & adventure

Shy, Self contained, indecisive.
Anger: quick to anger, quick to forgive
Joy: Likes support of family, enjoys gathering with familiar faces, likes to do service to others, Quiet walks with a friend

Aggressive, angry, irritable, impatient.
Anger: slow to anger, slow to forgive
Joy: Likes the best celebration ever, no expense spared, loves recognition, loves to recognise others

Fearful, insecure, suspicious, anxious.
Anger: Quick to anger and slow to forgive
Joy: Likes to celebrate in nature and beauty, enjoys eating and drinking, likes creative expression, music, dance and taking time off to self

7. Mental activity
Balanced response

Calm, cool minded

Critical, decisive, sharp minded

Restless, enquiring, philosophical, imaginative.

8. Climatic preferences
Autumn and winter: cold and dry conditions

Summer & spring: likes hot and dry conditions

Winter: cold and rainy weather, cold and moist conditions

Summer and rainy weather, hot and moist conditions.

9. Sleep patterns
Regular 7 hrs sleep, with rare tendency to insomnia (Deep 6-8hrs)

8-9hrs sleep with occasional sleeplessness(heavy: at least 8hrs, oversleeps)

5-6hrs sleep with strong tendency to insomnia (low but sound)

Irregular 5-10 hrs sleep with occasional tendency to sleeplessness (interrupted sleep)

10. Appetite
Healthy appetite with moderate to excessive thirst.

Slow, steady appetite, low thirst and can skip meals.

Good appetite, excessive thirst, cannot delay meals, becomes irritable

Irregular and variable appetite and thirst

11. Drinks temperature




12. Snacks/ food craving
Creamy & spicy/crunchy flavours and textures, loves cinnamon, cloves black pepper & chocolate, butter cream, cheese, yogurt, shellfish, eats slow, cheesecake/pie for dessert.

Fruit & milk, pungent & milky taste, fruit, berries, milk, yogurt, mild cheeses, cottage cheese, cookies, little taste for alcohol, eats slow, ice-cream & fruit or cookies for dessert.

Salt & meat, dry firm textures, salted peanuts, pretzels, instant meaty meals warmed in the oven, beef, burgers, distilled liquor, eats fast, not big on desserts.

Carbs & caffeine, sweet & chocolaty flavours, chewy and smooth textures, past, breads, muffins, cereal, cookies, candy, coffee and milk chocolate, wine & beer, eats fast, cakes and ice cream for dessert.

13. Health problems
Hypertension, diabetes, congestion esp. in head

Phlegm related respiratory disorders

Inflammation, rashes or redness, hayfever

Colon and gas related disorders and insomnia.

14. Attraction




15. Weight distribution
Men: hips, butt, inner thighs, some belly, backs of thighs
Women: hips, butt, inner thighs, below the waist and backs of thighs

Men and Women: Evenly all over

Men: above the waist, neck and shoulders, all around the middle, paunch, legs stay thin, face
Women: above the waist, shoulders, breasts, love handles, waist, legs stay thin, face

Men: Belly, face, outer thighs, hands and face
Women: Belly, breasts, outer thighs, back of upper arm, hands

16. Method of learning
Smell/taste: Let me see how it feels. Judges by feelings, wants a flow chart and looks for the source

Perceives by touch, judges by demonstration, wants to learn hands on, looks for reliable repetition

Perceives by sight, judges by intuition, wants a diagram, looks at the big picture.

Perceives by sound, judges by adequacy of explanation, wants to hear by what authority and looks for details

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